None of this would be possible without the wonderful people involved, etc, etc .... Donec vulputate a nibh ut ultricies. In vitae molestie ipsum. Nulla et consectetur ex, ullamcorper maximus elit. Proin sem eros, posuere a urna et, rhoncus ultricies sem. Aenean in fringilla quam.
Founder, artist, story-teller, teacher, do-gooder, manager and mother-hen. Stretch is my baby and I am going to change the world, bit by bit.
We are pleased to welcome Matthew Meadows to the board and his years of experience teaching art in prisons and devising workshops around printmaking.
Kay Goodridge is a freelance photographer and artist who has worked with Stretch since 2005.
Working as an artist and facilitator in various community and public health service settings since 2007, Alex is a passionate advocate of socially engaged arts practice and its potential to transform the quality of people’s lives for the better.