
Over the years, Stretch has been involved in tons of Projects - here's some of our current, and favourites.

Stretch Outsider Art Festival


Stretch has always advocated for art and artists outside of the "mainstream", and one of our primary objectives is to make the arts accessible to marginalised groups and individuals who, for various reasons, have limited access and levels of participation.

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Stretch Digital


Stretch is currently delivering Stretch Digital, a nationwide Big Lottery funded project equipping prisoners with skills in new media to create digital stories about their personal experiences of the criminal justice system and the life that led them there. We aim to bridge the ever-growing digital divide and increase participants' confidence and employability, while giving a voice to those who are so often left unheard.

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'Stretch and Collide' - York UNESCO City of Media Arts


York, where Stretch had its headquarters, was been awarded UNESCO designation for City of Media Arts in 2017. Stretch will be collaborating with the Mediale, a festival of digital arts to create ‘Stretch and Collide’, a digital platform to capture and disseminate the personal stories of people from unheard and vulnerable groups.

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‘Tagged’ – Screen acting and social realism


A group of young people in Leeds have been attending weekly workshops at the Yorkshire Academy of Film and Television Acting. Writer Dean Stalham and Stretch Director Carlotta Allum have been workshopping the script from a new social realism drama called ‘Tagged’, which was written by Dean and inspired by the story of Jamie, who has worked alongside Stretch for a while.

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