Stretch Outsider Art Festival

Stretch has always advocated for art and artists outside of the "mainstream", and one of our primary objectives is to make the arts accessible to marginalised groups and individuals who, for various reasons, have limited access and levels of participation.

Over the years, Stretch has had the pleasure of meeting and working with a huge range of artists who occupy the "outside" space of mainstream art, including playwrights, actors, prison artists, poets and more.

Outsider Art is woefully under represented in the UK. In response to this, Carlotta Allum and Stretch Charity are curating a collection of outsider art from across the UK including installations, sound pieces, poetry and music from a diverse range of backgrounds in London between 18th & 22nd October.

This festival of outsider art aims to address the present state-of-play for outsider artists in the UK and offer a platform for them make statements about these current, turbulent times, passing social comment on issues such as housing, justice and immigration. It will be the first of a growing yearly event to champion the arts of those who sit outside the recognised art world. It will feature art works from a variety of artists including Josephine Wood, Chris Wilson, Delaine and Damien Lebas. Find out more here about the precursor to the festival which we hosted at The Old Fire Station in York at the end of September.