Matthew Meadows Chair

We are pleased to welcome Matthew Meadows to the board and his years of experience teaching art in prisons and devising workshops around printmaking.

Matthew wrote an Arts Council funded book about prisoner art called 'Insider Ar't and has extensive knowledge and connections in the area, he will be a welcome asset to the board and especially relevant moving to our new phase. Matthew recently bequeathed his extensive collection of Outsider Art to the charity and we will be working with this collection over the next few years.

With a background in social arts led to work in the CJS, initially for the Koestler Trust, also as judge for their annual awards scheme. Since then I’ve planned and delivered projects for prison arts trusts and charities, worked in prison art education departments, been art editor for a national prison arts magazine and authored a survey of the the visual arts across the UK’s criminal justice system. I became a Stretch Trustee in late 2017 and I am thrilled to now be chair. I am very much looking forward to helping Carlotta and the board steer Stretch into a new phase in Margate and London.